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Equalizer 2 star Kazy Tauginas to join the LFA's walk to end lupus now.

(Los Angeles, CA) – Actor Kazy Tauginas (“The Equalizer 2”) has announced today that he will be participating in the Walk to End Lupus Now® event organized by the Lupus Foundation of America. The event will take place in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 22nd, bringing communities together to raise money for lupus research, increase awareness, and rally public support for those who suffer from the life-threatening disease.

Tauginas has been a lupus advocate for a long time, as his mother has been struggling with this cruel disease his entire life. “I’m really passionate about raising awareness because my mother has lupus,” he explained. “I’ve watched her struggle and fight my entire life. My heart goes out to everyone who is affected by this disease. Lupies, know that you’re not alone!”

To that end, Tauginas wrote, produced and starred in the multiple-award-winning short film, “Standing Eight.” The film is about a boxer forced to retire and contend with life outside of the ring after being diagnosed with systemic lupus. He drew inspiration not only from his mother, but also from his days as a Golden Gloves boxer. The film will soon be released on Amazon, with the proceeds going to the Lupus Foundation of America.

Consequently, Tauginas has decided to gather some of his “Standing Eight” costars to create TEAM STANDING EIGHT especially for this event. To learn more about TEAM STANDING EIGHT, join the team, or make a donation, visit the team’s page click here.